My research interests are eclectic and diverse.  My primary research interests are in signaling as a way of alleviating asymmetry in the marketplace.  However, because of my background in statistics and research methods I’ve done work in a number of diverse areas from hybrid cars to counterfeit goods.

Below are links to my most recent articles:

Majid, Kashef A., and Hari Bapuji (Forthcoming), “Consumer liability and firm responsiveness. Evidence from automobile recalls”, Journal of International Business Policy. JIBP Consumer Liability – 2024JIBP Consumer Liability – 2024

Dogru, Tarik, Kashef A. Majid, Michel Laroche, Makarand Mody, and Courtney Seuss (2022), “Communicating quality while evoking loss – how consumers assess extra charges in the Airbnb marketplace”, Tourism Management. 87, 104376  Communication quality while evoking loss – final proof – Tourism Management

Majid, Kashef A., Dave Kolar, and Michel Laroche. (2021), “Supporting small businesses during a health crisis”, Journal of Services Marketing. 35 (5), 671-683. Support for small business during a health crisis – JSR – 2021

Majid, Kashef A. (2020), “Effect of interactive marketing channels on service customer acquisition”, Journal of Services Marketing. 35(3), 299-311. Effect of Interactive Marketing Communications Channels on Customer Acquisition – JSM – 2020

Majid, Kashef A., and Cristel Russell (2019), “Value dynamics in the secondary market: How pricing and product lines in the primary market affect value retention”, Journal of Business Research, 103, 89-99. Value Dynamics in the Secondary Market June 2019 v2

Majid, Kashef A., and Michel Laroche (2019), “What’s the big deal? How sales promotions displayed by others online can influence online and offline purchase intentions”, Journal of Interactive Advertising, DOI: 10.1080/15252019.2019.1569573,  What’s the big deal – Final

Majid, Kashef A., and Mooweon Rhee (2018), “Firm/ Product Reputation and New Product Recalls”, Marketing Intelligence and Planning, MIP-11-2017-0309

Majid, Kashef A., and Hari Bapuji (2018), “Institutional Differences and Integration Difficulties: How Location of Headquarters and Component Sourcing Affect Firm Responsiveness”, International Marketing Review.35(5), 850-868.Institutional Differences and Integration Difficulties – IMR – 2018

Majid, Kashef A. (2017), “Drawing negative inferences from a positive country-of-origin image – Consumers use of COI and price levels to assess counterfeit drugs”, International Marketing Review, 34 (2), 293-310. Drawing negative inferences from a positive country-of-origin image – Near Final

Majid, Kashef A., and Cristel A. Russell (2015), “Giving green a second thought: Modeling the value retention of green products in the secondary market”, Journal of Business Research, 68 (5): 994-1002 Majid and Russell – Green a second thought – JBR 2015

Majid, Kashef A., Andrew Bryant, and Pradeep A. Rau (2014), “Name your price’ – online auctions and reference prices”, Journal of Product and Brand Management, 23 (6): 420-428 Name your price – JPBM – 2014