My Principles of Marketing Class (Mktg 301) has been completing AR advertisements for two years now. The students come in with little knowledge of video editing and even less knowledge of augmented reality (AR). Augmenting reality is the merging of physical and virtual and companies such as IKEA and Disney are investing heavily in it. Students in Mktg 301 gain knowledge of AR by creating their own AR infused advertisements, I’ve posted two projects from the Spring 2018 semester.

Ad 1: UMW Galleries

The first ad takes a work of art and then transposes the artist on to the ad so that you can hear the artist’s motivation behind the piece. The idea was to make a piece of art more interactive. To view this advertisement please click on the following link.

Ad 2: Wet’n’Wild Lipstick

The second ad wanted to give consumers who are considering purchasing a lipstick what the colors will look like based on different skin tones. It took a static advertisement and made it come to life.

Directions to activate the AR feature:

  1. To view the ad, first download the HP Reveal Application for Apple devices or Android by clicking on the respective links.
  2. Create a user profile. You only need a username, email, and password to do this.
  3. Search for LaurenVann, the Aura will appear and to follow the account you simply need to click on the star, this means that you are following the account.
  4. Open the HP reveal app on your phone, the app should have seven dots with one in the middle and the other six moving in and out of the middle dot.
  5. Hold the app over the ad of the three girls above and you should see the advertisement come to life.

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